British Values
British Values are linked to SMSC (spiritual, moral, cultural and social development) and are included in everything that we do at Northlands Primary School and Nursery. A key part of the ethos at our school is to ensure that children become valuable and rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of their background.
Ofsted has defined the ‘fundamental British values’ as being:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
At Northlands, some of the ways we ensure that children understand British values are through assemblies, visits and visitors and through our curriculum. More specifically, we promote British values through:
- The school council and our ambassadors including our anti-bullying ambassadors and prefects
- Assemblies which talk about different faiths and religious festivals for example Eid (Muslim), Rosh Hashanah (Judaism) and Diwali (Hinduism)
- Visitors such as those who talk to the children during anti-bullying week and Harvest
- Visits to the local church
- Training children to be ‘playground pals’
- Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) lessons
- Assemblies which identify world events or current affairs
If you would like any further information about how we promote British Values at our school, please speak to your child’s class teacher.