We are committed to delivering a curriculum which can inspire our pupils to unlock their potential. All children are given the opportunities to challenge themselves in a supportive environment. Our pupils will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to succeed at Northlands, and as responsible citizens in the modern world.
The curriculum at Northlands is broad, balanced, ambitious and challenging, setting high expectations for pupils’ achievement and challenging them to think critically, solve problems, and deepen their knowledge, skills and understanding across a wide range of subjects. Our INTENT is to allow all pupils to unlock their potential and find their talent, whether that be academic or through the arts or sports.
We have structured our curriculum with concepts being taught in a logical sequence so that prior knowledge can be built upon as pupils move through the school, creating a solid knowledge base and foundation for future learning. ‘Cultural Capital’ drives our curriculum design, the interests and needs of our pupils being at the heart of everything that we do at Northlands. Educational trips, external visitors and themed weeks enhance and support our curriculum delivery, allowing all our pupils, irrespective of background or ability, to access experiences that enrich their learning in an immersive and engaging way and helping pupils to store knowledge effectively in their long-term memories.
The delivery of high-quality lessons which are planned collaboratively and tailored specifically for the interests and needs of our local children is at the heart of our curriculum IMPLEMENTATION. Lessons are designed to be fun, engaging and captivating, accessing varied technology, including Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), and making use of a range of different methods of recording learning in books so that all pupils have their chance to shine. Teachers use a variety of pedagogical approaches to stimulate responses and challenge pupils’ thinking, with in-the-moment feedback ensuring all pupils are aware of their progress. Staff training is delivered regularly by our expert subject leaders and focuses on teaching and learning, ensuring that lesson ideas are shared and developed and that our curriculum is never-ending.
Our curriculum is supplemented by a range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities such as clubs and competitions, which broaden and deepen pupils’ experiences, developing character, interpersonal skills and independence, building resilience and self-esteem, and enhancing their understanding of the wider world.
At Northlands, pupils are motivated, engaged and take pride in their learning; they demonstrate a positive attitude towards school and a curiosity which they will take with them on their journey beyond primary school. They acquire a broad knowledge base and transferable skills such as communication, teamwork and an appreciation and respect for their local area and its heritage.
Our curriculum equips pupils with the skills necessary to succeed at secondary school and beyond and supports them in becoming well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of respect, tolerance and appreciation for the diversity which they will encounter in life after Northlands. Our IMPACT is that Pupils do well at Northlands, making strong progress across a range of subjects and acquiring a deep understanding of key concepts, leaving primary school well-prepared for the next phase of their education.
The intent, implementation, and impact of our curriculum work cohesively to provide an excellent education, enabling pupils to flourish academically, personally, and socially. Our ambition is to find the magic in every child.
If you have any questions about our curriculum, please contact the office.