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School Clubs

Clubby After School Club Booking System:


Dear Parents and Carers 


To book your child into an after school club please go to

Type in Northlands Primary School and Nursery

Click the club that you wish your child to attend.

You will then be asked to input your details; you will not be required to complete these each time you log in. Once you have completed your details, and the consent, your child will be booked onto the first of their chosen clubs.

To book your child into more than one club, on the left hand side, choose Find Clubs. This will bring up a list of all the available clubs, and click book.

If for any reason we change the date, or cancel a club, you will be emailed directly from Clubby to your chosen email address.

If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the main office either via telephone or Study bugs.



After School Clubs
