Our Nursery
Welcome to our nursery
Our nursery is situated opposite the KS1 classrooms in a purpose built building with a large garden, we have 2 classrooms catering for 30 children per session aged from 2yrs 9months and we are currently in the process of having a 3rd room built which we hope to open in January 2024.
We have 3 sessions that children can attend which are:
8.30am to 11.30am Morning session
12.30pm to 3.30pm Afternoon session
8.30am to 3.30pm Full day session
Children staying for a full day session are required to bring in a packed lunch which will be eaten in their classroom with mid day assistants helping them.
We are a NUT FREE school so please can we request that peanut butter and any products made from nuts is not put in the children's lunch boxes this includes any whole nuts, chocolate spread or chocolates containing hazelnuts.
A typical day at our nursery
8.30am Doors open until 9am for children to arrive
Free play and adult led activities
10am Carpet time which includes learning about the days of the week, number/counting, Jolly Phonics, our topic etc
10.30am Snack time
We serve a portion of fresh fruit with milk or water to drink
10.45am Outside play
11.15am Story
11.30am Home time for the morning children and lunchtime for the full day children
12.30pm Doors open until 1pm for the afternoon children to arrive
Afternoon session begins for the all day children
Free play and adult led activities
1.30pm Carpet time which includes learning about the days of the week, number/counting, Jolly Phonics, our topic etc
2pm Outside play
2.45pm Snack for the afternoon children
Story time for the full day children
3.10pm Home time for all children
3.30pm Nursery closes
Throughout the week we have PE lessons with our PE teachers in the sports hall, this term our lessons are on a Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning. In addition Mr O'Shea leads our music lessons in the classrooms, this term our lessons are on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
At the nursery we use an online learning journal to record the children's play, learning and development which is called Tapestry. It's an easy to use and secure online learning journal and aids communication between the nursery and parents.
We send parents an invitation to join Tapestry then its simple to download the app onto a phone or tablet and set up an account to be able to see your childs progress through the nursery. Each week we upload an observation to the children's learning journals complete with a photo or video, parents then receive an email alert to let them know an observation has been added. Parents can upload observations for the staff to see including photos and videos which helps to build a picture of what the child is learning or doing at home and it's great to share the children's achievements with us so that we can celebrate with them.
At the end of your childs time with us we print the learning journal which is a lovely keepsake and it can also be shown to the child's next setting.
What do parents say about Tapestry
"What an amazing program and I really enjoy it"
"The app is very useful and helps keeping up with what the kids learn"
"Great app, thanks to it I can see what my child is doing, and communicate with the teachers if there are any questions"
"My little boy enjoys that we can all see what his been up to in school from home"
"I love Tapestry! I love being able to see my son interacting with his classmates and seeing the work he has been doing"