Our PSHE Curriculum
A high quality PSHE curriculum should develop the children’s understanding of the world around them through a range of written and discussion-based work. At Northlands Primary School, we recognise that the children’s health and wellbeing is an important aspect of the child’s time in school, therefore we aim to provide high-quality lessons and resources to support the children to feel comfortable talking about different situations such as family life, cultures, backgrounds, and the community. We also believe that as a school, we will give the pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confidently, healthy, and independent lives to become informed, active and responsible citizens. We aim to include all children as they all matter and are given every opportunity to achieve their best. PSHE at Northlands will help to deliver high-quality lessons based on the diversity of children’s cultures, faiths and family background, also covering inclusion of pupil’s gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, age, disability and social circumstances.
Reception PSHE Displays

Black History Week 2022

British Sign Language Week 2023

Year 5 - Healthy Me Unit

Year 4 - Dreams and Goals Unit

Year 4 - Healthy Me Unit